Monday, November 10, 2008

Really? Do I really look all that bad?

Saturday I rushed over to Andie's house to watch Easton crawl. I had just changed into my pjs when I left to go over there. On the way home, being Saturday (the day before Sunday), I decided to make a quick stop at the grocery store. As I was enjoying the produce aisle a lady walked passed me, looked me up and down and said, "hrumpf", in total disgust. I smiled at her and then realized what had just happened. Shoot man, like she was something special! She was dressed in regular old levi's and a what if she had tennis shoes on. Really, do I really look all THAT bad?


Amber said...

C'mon, must you ask :) ?? We are ALL guilty of this one though, I think Oprah calls this look the "shlumpadinka" look

Sue said...

Common attire in Payson and Elk Ridge. I see nothing wrong at all.

Janeen said...

You see that all the time here! You'll have to move to a smaller town, no one will give you the eye then, they'll just ask where they could pick up a pair of PJ's just like that.

Lindsay said...

Now I fully understand why you got the look. It's the socks and shoes. That's why you got the look!
It made me laugh when you called though!

Megan said...

I love it! I think you look great. Better than that I think you look confident. When you are able to head to the grocery store in your strictly-at-home garb you don't give a darn what anyone else thinks and it thrills me.