Saturday, November 1, 2008

Okay, Okay, Okay...

Okay, so maybe it has been awhile since I've added to my blog. I just wanted to give you the opportunity to truly 'remember'. Do you believe that? I didn't think so. There really has been much I could have blogged about. I could have shared my two miserable Mondays. One Monday I got to school to discover that I had forgotten to turn the air-conditioner off in the classroom so the motion detector wouldn't set off the alarm (I'm not supposed to have things hanging from the ceiling for that very reason). SOOO, the hanging hands set the alarm off and the police had to report to the campus. YUCK! That cost the school $125.00. The principal was not so happy with me. The next Monday I rear ended a car as I merged into traffic. Never mind that she cut in front of me to go into a gas station. I still did the rear ender thing. Lucky for me, she didn't want to report it because she is an uninsured motorist. But you should see my lovely front license plate.

I could have blogged about Lindsay Abel's wedding at the Sacramento Temple, but Mickey erased the pictures after he uploaded (wow, computerspeak!) them onto his computer. I could go into his computer to post, but it's not red.

I could write about my cute first grade class full of cry babies, but that wouldn't be kind. They really are cute but there are a bunch who don't just cry they bawl hysterically. I am not really bugged by it. It almost amuses me. Yeah! First Grade Sicko teacher.

I could have blogged about this last week when I was contacted by a local TV station to be interviewed about my view of the YES on Proposition 8 - traditional marriage proposal and it's affect on classrooms, if defeated. And, yes I was interviewed and yes I did appear as a part of a news story 3 different times in two days. And yes, I am old and slightly chubby.

Ya know what? I have a good life, even if it is not reported consistently.

I'll get better, yep, I will.


Lindsay said...

An accident? You failed to mention that, funny? That was waiting to happen! Glad to see that you REMEMBERED to blog. Quite humorous!

Andrea said...

You had better have reported that accident anyways! Your insurance agent daughter is telling you to do the right thing!!!!!!!!!