Sunday, November 30, 2008

The Final thankful Thirtys

Wow! This month has gone so quickly and there have been so many things to be thankful for. Some that I've missed, I just know it. But, the awareness has been enlightening. I've loved it. I know I have posted some pretty goofy things, but it's okay to be thankful for the BIG (Heavenly Father, the Savior, the Gospel, the Church, the Family) and it's okay to be thankful for even the goofy things...a pedicure, my red laptop, Jack Armstrong and Joe Getty - the list goes on. It has been wonderful and meaningful...YEP!

So, I'm thankful for
* phone calls from my three girls (Janeen, Andie and Lindsay) just to chat.

* my new red jacket and two pairs of new shoes...gotta look at it this way...I'm helping the economy.

* the kind people who look after and take really good care of Duane. He lives in a home with 5 other elderly people. That home is nicer than any home he has ever lived in. It is really nice. The folks who care for him genuinely love him and appreciate what a good man he is. I feel like it was inspiration that led us to these caregivers.

Well I guess that's it until next November.


Janeen said...

I love our chats, I think Chad is a little jelouse of them. hehehe