Friday, May 9, 2008

In honor of the MIck Man

Yep, the Mick Man has entered his 63rd year. These are his 62 year old legs. He has always told me that he has GREAT legs. I still laugh. This is the one thing that has not changed since he was 48 years old (that is when I met him and he told me that he has THESE great legs). Well, as I think about it I guess there are a few other things that have not changed as well...he still has a most beautiful singing voice, he is still a 'southern gentleman' in that he has yet to F--t (I really don't like that word) in front of me, he still remembers (and that is big at his age) all the things that I like, he still calls from the store to see if there is anything else that I need, he is still profoundly active in the church with a quiet, solid testimony, and he still has that wonderful laugh and smiling eyes.

Happy 62nd Birthday, Mickey! I pray for many more.


Andrea said...

I love you Mickey!

Megan said...

I love Mickey's legs.