Wednesday, July 22, 2009

One Less Thing on My Bucket List

Before I kick the bucket, I wanted to see a sheet of ice fall from a glacier...
We saw and watched the Hubbard Glacier yesterday. Blue! Huge! Silent! Thunderous! Cold! (Duh, on that one). The glacier (I almost wrote 'thing' instead of glacier - how irreverent!) is 40 stories tall, 26 miles wide and I don't how deep it is....but MASSIVELY MENACING. We also got a cultural perspective from a ? tribe, and a scientific perspective from a park ranger.

Global Warming? to quote the park ranger...Global Warming is a new field of science and because of that a lot of mistakes have been made and will be made. The earth IS warming, but it is most likely the natural cycle of the earth...what has YET to be determined is what part we earthings have had in it. Here's my belief...for what it's is a natural cycle determined by our Father in Heaven and His Son...but we earthlings have been irresponsible and haven't taken care of the precious home as we should have.

OFF to Sitka!


Lindsay said...

Nice, I didn't know you would be blogging on this cruise. I never check your blog and what a surprise. Glad to see you still haven't fallen off the boat. When are you home, Andie is going through withdrawls - she asked me last night how much longer.