Saturday, March 29, 2008

Did you know that Megan is an excellent cook?

It was Easter Sunday and we needed a special something to celebrate the day. Megan got busy and made a delicious homemade (well almost...we made it at home) lemon merangue (how close is the spelling?) pie and (wait until you read this!) a unique Jello salad. Please notice Megan's happy face and her ballet pointed toes...such a necessary part of a great cook. The jelly bean Jello topping was a real award winner. Hey, should we enter our recipe into a cooking contest? It's all up to Megan.


Megan said...

No way are we going to enter that in a contest--I don't want other people to feel bad about their creations being crummier than ours! It was amazing stuff. Who knew . . . ?